The cooperation with PROBONO has been of vital importance to our school and the PROBONO activities have positive impact on our students’ lives. Our benefits include donation of funds for construction of school buildings, text books, further teacher training and culture change through volunteer programme. The performance output is remarkable.
It's all about the teacher
What does a school need? Textbooks and classrooms are certainly part of it. But the qualifications and teaching skills of teachers are at least as important for successful learning. For this reason, PROBONO has been involved in teacher training since 2013 and has systematically developed an innovative training program to improve the quality of teaching in Tanzanian schools on the basis of existing training programs.
The background to this is the poor exam results in secondary schools, especially in science subjects and mathematics. In addition to the lack of school infrastructure and materials, the main reason for the poor academic performance is the lack of professional and methodological qualifications among teachers.
Read moreThe current four-year program, which runs from 2021 to the end of 2024, involves 120 teachers from twelve Tanzanian secondary schools.
The PROBONO teacher training program is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Senior Expert Service (SES), the Merck Family Foundation, the Gerhard and Paul- Hermann Bauder Foundation, the Annas-Geißler- Foundation, the Cetto Foundation, the Rivera Foundation, the Foundation Friedhelm Loh and many private donors. Many thanks!
Support the teacher training in Tanzania and help that school arouses interest, teaching motivates and learning leads to success!
Reflect and understand instead of learning by heart
One component of PROBONO's teacher training is methodology workshops that teach modern pedagogy. The specific conditions at Tanzanian schools, such as very large classes, are taken into account. The methodology workshops follow a student-centered participatory approach: while in Tanzania unreflective memorization is still widely the order of the day, students are now actively involved in the lessons, participating in the development of solutions and thus encouraged to think analytically and creatively.
PROBONO's cooperation partner for the methodological-pedagogical training is MWENGE Catholic University (MWECAU) in Moshi, which provides qualified lecturers and the infrastructure for the methodology workshops.
Deepening of subject knowledge
In addition to the methodology workshops, the subject-related workshops are another component of PROBONO's teacher training. Here we work together with the Senior Expert Service from Bonn (SES), through which German teachers and university lecturers are sent to Tanzania. They conduct on-site subject-specific workshops in their respective subjects and advise their Tanzanian colleagues on how to conduct more student-centered lessons.
The subject-related workshops are to be seen as a supplement to the methodology workshops: They primarily broaden and deepen the subject knowledge of the Tanzanian teachers and combine it with the skills acquired in the methodology workshops. The methodology and subject workshops in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and English are followed by classroom visits and reflection meetings at the participating schools.
The program also includes investments in school infrastructure such as the construction of laboratories and the purchase of scientific equipment, books and teaching materials.
Our big thanks go to PROBONO who has been providing teacher training and equipping our schools in Mwanga district for many years, and thus, support school education in a great way
MMINT promotion: Three new laboratories for teaching science inaugurated
Good scientific knowledge is indispensable for many professions and an important prerequisite for sustainable economic development. This includes learning in practice! With three new laboratories at secondary schools in Tanzania, PROBONO is making a contribution as part of the PROBONO teacher training program. At the ceremonial inauguration of the three science buildings in Mwanga in February with many representatives of the local education authorities, there were self-written poems, rap songs and numerous speeches - and of course the official cutting of a green ribbon with a bow. This was done by PROBONO Chairperson Andrea Alleker- Fendel and Mwanga District Commissioner Abdallah Mwaipaya.
Read moreAll speakers emphasized the importance of the new laboratories at Mandaka School, Nyerere School and Vudoi School in order to teach physics, chemistry and biology more vividly and thus make scientific phenomena easier to understand. "Our big thanks go to PROBONO who has been providing teacher training and equipping our schools in Mwanga district for many years, and thus, support school education in a great way!" said Mwanga District Commissioner Abdallah Mwaipaya.
PROBONO's commitment was not only highly appreciated by the Tanzanian education authorities, but also by the public. Even the Tanzanian television reported. We are very pleased about this appreciation, as it is an important prerequisite for the sustainable development of our projects and further cooperation.
The new laboratory buildings are equipped with gas, water and electricity connections and have fume cupboards in which chemical reactions can be safely demonstrated. There are side rooms for lesson preparation and with lockable cabinets for Bunsen burners, test tubes and chemicals. Much of the equipment has also been newly purchased.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Merck Family Foundation, the Gerhard and Paul-Hermann Bauder Foundation, the Annas-Geißler Foundation, the Cetto Foundation, the Friedhelm Loh Foundation, the Rivera Foundation, the Carl Zeiss Förderfonds and all private donors for their support!